Swing park

During my stay in Mozambique for the institutional project Supatxenja I had the chance to developpe a first projext with the family I lived in. Through this process I was able to describe the method I’m using.


Active community: 5 people (Jarno, Jomo, Milan, Arndt)
Community: 5 people (family Naujoks, houseceeper, neighbours, guard)
Location: Pemba, Mozambique
Duration: 1 week
Tools: handsaw (AS ), jigsaw (AS), screwdriver (AS), pliers (AS), lever key (AS), boring machine (AS)
Materials: ropes (AS), hoes (AS), car tyre (AS), bamboo (local market), plastic seat from an abandoned drilling platform (AS), wooden board (AS)

AS = Autoshop „Oficina Aleman“ run by Arndt

This post is also available in: Englisch

Student, HyperWerk, Institute for Postindustrial Design (FHNW) in Basel, Switzerland