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Building community at IIT Hyderabad, India

This post is also available in: Englisch

Student, HyperWerk, Institute for Postindustrial Design (FHNW) in Basel, Switzerland

There are 2 comments for this article
  1. Elie Kioutsoukis at 6:50 am

    Luke, lovely project – well done! I’m proud of what you have achieved in this past 6 months since we’ve discussed your diploma-idea the first time seriously in Mozambique. Glad to see and read that everything goes well. Excited to see you soon and exchange about your experience you’ve made. You Rock! :-)


    • Luke Author at 9:57 pm

      Thanks, you are a real supporter!
      I rembember exaclty how we sat there and I didn’t know how to start.

      Let’s see what will arise further.
